Want to give the social economy a boost? Go for it!
Want to give the social economy a boost? Go for it!
Just about every business has tasks that it prefers to outsource to people with passion and enthusiasm for the job. Things such as mowing or pruning in the company’s garden, or packing orders. They can find the right people through Doeners.be. The Province of Flemish Brabant brought in All Colors to make this platform better known to the general public.

Audere est facere! To dare is to do!
Doeners.be is a search platform that compiles information about the amazing variety of services offered by the social economy. To give this project the brand awareness it deserves, the Province of Flemish Brabant was looking for a partner to generate more buzz. Working with All Colors, it wanted to make as many business owners as possible aware of the platform’s existence and convince them to look for their ideal partner through the search engine or the notice board. To make this initiative, which was started in Flemish Brabant, known throughout Flanders, we launched a digital campaign to generate more brand awareness and traffic.
Our digital team knows its stuff and started up a Google Search campaign around specific long-tail keywords, which reach entrepreneurs who perform specific searches. We also worked on a number of successful case studies via LinkedIn. Famous names such as A.S. Adventure, Westvleteren Abbey and Jaga talked about how they successfully used the social economy and how other businesses could do the same, preferably via Doeners.be.
Brand awareness and more active users
In two months we got 56% more traffic to the website and 53% more page views. Choosing the right target group ensured that the average visit duration increased by 5% and the bounce rate fell by 8.6%. It was clear that the target group appreciated the campaign.
The number of actions per visit rose by 8% and the number of searches on Doeners.be grew by a whopping 224%! Not only did we increase the platform’s brand recognition, but business owners started to use it. You could scarcely get a finer compliment for such a campaign.

“We saw a clear impact of the campaign on our platform. More ads were placed, more use was made of our search function and there was much more interaction on our social media.”
Sien Raskin - Social economy expert - Province of Flemish Brabant
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the success of a story depends on what you do with it
Reaching KPI's - that's what it's all about. We are one of the few agencies in the Benelux to combine the strengths of PR, (digital) marketing, content and design in-house. This gives us the opportunity to translate the most complex questions into successful result-driven campaigns.