A local story with national impact



A local story with national impact

Every organisation has its own story, and sometimes these stories are right there for the picking. This is the case with Zorgband Leie & Schelde, a warm and personal care organisation where human stories lead to news reports with a national impact.

As a care organisation, Zorgband Leie & Schelde faces two major challenges: on the one hand, to find suitable and motivated staff, and on the other hand, to increase the name recognition of their care homes, service centres, home care services and rehabilitation centre. In other words: to create more awareness in the region. A fantastic task that brings us into contact with many inspiring individuals and unbelievably heart-warming stories.

Human stories draw national attention

Thus the PR team heard about a new experiment at Zorgband Leie & Schelde: participatory job applications, or how residents of the care homes can be involved in recruitment. Such as the 93-year-old Pius. A story that, according to our PR team, will draw media attention. All it takes is to write up the story in an appealing way (which the content team will take care of) and present it to the right media from various points of view. From regional journalists to the specialised and even national press. And why not? This wonderful example of a human interest story will clearly touch a chord. The result? Coverage (both regional and national) in outlets such as Het Laatste Nieuws, Het Nieuwsblad, VRT and social media. For months after this PR campaign, the story was going viral on LinkedIn and was used by HR specialists as an example of involvement and participation.

Human stories

Strong opinion


In addition to the many human interest stories, the PR team has discovered in general director Githa Praet a strong woman with an interesting vision. She shares her views of, among others, the challenges faced by the sector, such as the difficult quest for staff and the shortage of beds. For the PR team, these are sufficiently strong messages to share with the right media. Once in the form of an exclusive interview, another time in a challenging opinion piece (thanks to our content team). Githa Praet as sounding board and mouthpiece for the sector and – at least as important – as the face of Zorgband Leie & Schelde.

Githa Praet

Stories from the workplace

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It takes a short time for the staff of Zorgband Leie & Schelde to gain inspiration. And because we are convinced that there are many lovely stories to be gleaned in the workplace itself, we encourage them to produce their own content. What is a good story? How do I take a good photo? How do you put together a gripping social media post?

They learn that – and much more – in a ‘social storytelling’ workshop with our branding and content experts. At Zorgband Leie & Schelde, they are far from running out of good stories to tell.

Or how stories, no matter how small they may appear, lead to success.

A few figures

publications in regional, national and online media
LinkedIn post reactions
LinkedIn post comments
LinkedIn post reposts

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the success of a story depends on what you do with it

Reaching KPI's - that's what it's all about. We are one of the few agencies in the Benelux to combine the strengths of PR, (digital) marketing, content and design in-house. This gives us the opportunity to translate the most complex questions into successful result-driven campaigns.